Untitled 1 by Ella Borg
Ella created this ‘untitled’ series in aim to explore the connection between neurodivergent people and LGBTIQA+ gender and sexual identities. When Ella was diagnosed with ADHD and pre-diagnosed with ASD they stumbled upon an article which stated that neurodivergent people were more likely to identify as non binary, which then sparked their interest for doing more research on the topic as well as conducting their own research via their instagram channels.
Each print is encapsulated inside a box, to best describe how they felt before they fully understood their gender identity, sexual identity and core community. Ella started googling questions they had about themselves around age 17 which helped gain an understanding and educated them about the LGBTQIA+ community and they found this to be a common theme with other people who shared their stories with Ella. The series documents the entirety of their journey and the emotions they felt during, the good and the bad.
- 2021 8 X 10 INCH PRINT
- Photographic Paper
By Ella Borg (they/them)
Ella Borg is an interdisciplinary artist that works with mediums such as digital art and photography to explore nostalgia and memories through colour and shape. They are heavily inspired by the idea of creating art from materials everybody has access to, whether its software that is free to use or second hand materials eg. cameras. In aim to show that creating art is achievable regardless of a persons financial situation.